Houston Trinity News

This is the Lord’s doing; It is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day which the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:23-24 (ASV)

September 9, 2024


This morning, I awoke to a day even lovelier than the last—cool and dry. I ought to have savored a moment on my porch with a cup of coffee, appreciating the beauty bestowed upon me. Yet, I rushed to ready myself for church, with sermons to draft, Bible studies to plan, and newsletters to dispatch.

The oversight I made today is common among us; we’re so engulfed in busyness that we overlook the splendor around us and the blessings of God’s creation. More often than not, I’m culpable. Today highlights this, but it’s crucial to recognize that we also neglect these divine gifts on less picturesque days.

My father had a phrase for days like this: “These are the days God gives Texans to keep them here all year.” And it rings true. Just last week, we grumbled about the excessive rain, and before that, the sweltering heat. Our weather isn’t always pleasant, but then we’re graced with a day like today.

Life mirrors the weather closely. We endure dark, rainy days filled with struggle, where anxiety and worry obscure the sun. We face hot, muggy days that leave us irritable. Yet, there are also bright, sunny days brimming with love, joy, and happiness. We experience stormy days that call for care and compassion, and radiant days when our hearts are full of it. Often, we forget that each day is one God has created (Psalm 118:24), and that God is with us in this world He crafted.

This week might just validate my father’s words about the weather. The splendid day we’re enjoying could soon give way to a tropical storm—a typical week in Houston. So, my challenge for you today is to pause, breathe deeply, observe the beauty of this day, and give thanks to God for this gift. Don’t let it pass you by, nor allow the trivialities of daily life to overshadow it.

God bless. See you Sunday

This Week's Scripture
This Week's Scripture

Matthew 14:14 (NIV)

When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick.





The Emotions of Jesus - Compassion

Join us this week as we explore Jesus’ compassion for those he met. Experience compassion in a new way, displayed for us as an example of how to live in our community.

Wednesday Night Bible Study Time Change beginning September 11!

As we move toward winter and earlier sunsets, we are moving the starting time for Bible Study to avoid driving in the dark. New start time will be 6:30. Please let everyone know.

Calendar Reminders - September

September 1 – Sunday Worship – Communion Sunday – Summer Splash

September 2 – Bible Study – ZOOM – 7:30

September 4 – Wednesday Night Bible Study – The Gospel According to John – 7:00 in person & ZOOM

September 8 – Sunday Worship

September 9 – Bible Study – ZOOM – 7:30

September 11 – Wednesday Night Bible Study – The Gospel According to John – 6:30 in person & ZOOM

September 15 – Sunday Worship

September 16 – Bible Study – ZOOM – 7:30

September 18 – Wednesday Night Bible Study – The Gospel According to John – 6:30 in person & ZOOM

September 22 – Sunday Worship

September 23 – Bible Study – ZOOM – 7:30

September 25 – Wednesday Night Bible Study – The Gospel According to John – 6:30 in person & ZOOM

September 28 – Prayer Meeting

September 29 – Sunday Worship – Council Meeting

September 30 – Bible Study – ZOOM – 7:30

October 2 – Wednesday Night Bible Study – The Gospel According to John – 6:30 in person & ZOOM

Stay Tuned for information on Our Anniversary Celebration

Mark your calendar for Tracey and Pastor Paul's Fund-Raising Dinner for Agape Village on September 26, 2024

Mark your calendars for our Blood Drive on October 6, 2024

Help with the Flooding in Tangos and at the Marvin RadarSchool

Tangos and the Marvin Radar School have been heavily impacted by the recent flooding. We will be working with individuals around Houston to provide clothing, books and other goods to alleviate some of the need. We will have boxes in the Narthex for the next three Sundays if you have slightly used clothing that you would like to donate.

Thank You! We have collected two boxes. Let’s fill another.

For more information contact Nini Abril.

Wanted! - A teacher/facilitator for new Youth Sunday School
Wanted! - A teacher/facilitator for new Youth Sunday School

Are you interested in leading a Sunday School class for our Youth? Contact Pastor Ron.