Small Groups
Join us every Sunday at 9:30 am in the Fellowship Hall for an adult Bible study. We'll learn together the meaning of scripture and how we can become better followers of Jesus.
Join us for a Zoom Bible Study each Monday and Wednesday at 7:00 pm. Zoom ID number is 8915561845. PW is 101998
Adult Sunday School Lessons for the Month of March 2025
Material: Adult Bible Studies - Cokesbury
Embracing Life - Spring 2025
Unit 1: Beatitudes for Lent
March 2 – From Despair to Hope
Focal Passage: Matthew 5:1-3; Mark 5:25-34
Background Text: Matthew 5:1-3; 9:20-22;Mark 5:25-34
Purpose Statement: To boldly reach out to Jesus when we are in need
What need do you have that is hardest to admit? What needs have a stigma?
What might make you reluctant to seek help from Jesus? Are you sometimes afraid that you don’t have enough faith?
March 9 – From Grief to Joy
First Sunday of Lent
Focal Passage: Matthew 5:4; Luke 7:11-17
Background Text: Same
Purpose Statement: To ponder how our mourning connects us with Jesus’ compassion
What grief have you experienced? How has it changed over time?
Where is Jesus coming to you in compassion and speaking a word of comfort to you? Where is Jesus telling you to get up?
March 16 – From Pride to Humility
Second Sunday of Lent
Focal Passage: Matthew 5:5; Luke 18:9-14
Background Text: Same
Purpose Statement: To consider whether ambition or humility is the truest signpost to God
Do you see yourself as a sinner? Have you asked God for forgiveness?
Where do you need to be less like the Pharisee and more like the tax collector? Ask God to help you to be humble.
March 23 – From Ritual to Righteousness
Third Sunday of Lent
Focal Passage: Matthew 5:6; 15:1-20
Background Text: Same
Purpose Statement: To incorporate Jesus’ definition of righteousness into our conversations
Have you ever bent the rules in your favor? Have you ever been tempted to put tradition ahead of God’s law?
Do a personal inventory of what you say. What you say comes from your heart. What would you like to change about what you say?
March 30 – From Empty Worship tp Pure Hearts
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Focal Passage: Matthew 5:8; Mark 7:5-15
Background Text: Same
Purpose Statement: To affirm that motives matter when determining right conduct
What else do you notice that is different between Matthew 15:1-20 and Mark 7:5-15? What do those differences indicate to you?
Have you ever done the wrong thing for the rights reason or the right thing for the wrong reason? What difference did your motives make?